Gentle low force, standard diversified, Thompson drop, and Arthrostim instrument adjusting
Latest physiological therapeutics (PT)
Secondary evaluations/opinions
MD and attorney referrals
Most insurance accepted
Auto and worker’s compensation insurance pays up to 100% in most cases
Massage therapy
Full Spine Diversified (manual adjustment)
Diversified Technique is the classic chiropractic technique taught in all chiropractic colleges. The focus is on correcting spinal subluxations (misalignments) and restoring the area(s) to normal biomechanical function, and correction of subluxation(s). Diversified adjusting of the spine uses specific lines of drives for all gentle manual adjustments, allowing for specificity in correcting mechanical distortions of the spine. Motion palpatation and full spine hands-on techniques are used to deliver a deeper thrust, which makes an articulation cavitation (popping) sound as the adjustment is given.
Thompson Drop Table
The Thompson Technique utilizes a “Segmental Drop Table” to enhance the motion force imparted towards the segment or area to be adjusted. The concept of adding motion by inventing a table with specific areas that would drop away as the adjustive thrust was applied to the vertebral segment has been shown to be very successful. Many patients enjoy the feel of the Thompson Drop technique for their adjustments as it is a gentle technique.
Flexion-Distraction Spinal Decompression
Treatment with flexion-distraction techniques is used to restore damaged spinal nerves and surrounding structures by reducing the stricture of the paraspinal ligaments, increasing the movement of metabolites in discs, reducing the stress and internal pressure imposed on the posterior discs, and expansion intervertebral foramina).
Spinal decompression therapy is used to treat radiating pain resulting from chronic low back pain. This is a treatment method that alleviates disc problems and removes the pressure imposed on the discs by creating zero gravity or negative pressure conditions inside the spinal canal so that nutritive substances and oxygen are supplied to the discs. This reduces pressure inside the intervertebral discs by softly extending certain parts of the discs through the decompression of lesion site
Arthrostim Instrument (Chiropractic Adjustment)
The ARTHROSTIM™ Instrument produces rapid thrust and recoil at a rate of TWELVE TIMES PER SECOND. The ARTHROSTIM™ Instrument delivers true high-velocity, short-stroke thrusts activating the patients’ proprioceptors and mechanoreceptors without recruiting the pain receptors (nociceptors), providing a gentle comfortable method of adjusting patients.
Several studies have shown that instrument adjusting is equally as effective as traditional chiropractic techniques for easing pain and increasing range of motion in patients who have sought chiropractic care. Its speed, gentleness and accuracy are recommended and are often preferred by populations such as children and the elderly.
Ultrasound Therapy
Ultrasound is a therapy modality that utilizes high or low frequency sound waves. These sound waves are transmitted to the surrounding tissue and vasculature. They penetrate the muscles to cause deep tissue/muscle warming. This promotes tissue relaxation and therefore is useful in treating muscle tightness and spasms. The warming effect of the sound waves also cause vessel vasodilatation and increase circulation to the area that assists in healing. The therapist can also adjust the frequency on the machine to use waves that will decrease inflammation, and/or address scar tissue.